
BEATLES Use Cases leads receive policy training session

On 15 March 2023, the BEATLES project partner Blanca Casares (AEIDL) facilitated a training session, to the 5 Use Cases (UC) leaders of the project, aiming to reflect on critical aspects for a successful outcome of policy work in the co-creation workshops.

The objective was to present the priority questions linked to policy that will be addressed in the specific co-creation workshop that each UC will organise in March and April of the same year within their Multi-Stakeholder Platforms (MSP).

AEIDL (European Association for Innovation in Local Development) is the project partner leading the work package 5 on transition through policy recommendations and tools. The overall objective of this work package is to support the policy makers and implementers in the design and implementation of policy measures that support adoption of more sustainable and climate-smart food systems.

As has been proposed, in the first year of co-creation workshops at UC’s level, the priority questions to be addressed are:

  • What are the main European policies that influence (limit and favour) the definition of national and regional policies, programmes and plans linked to the transition to Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and the adoption of related agrarian practices?
  • What are the main national and regional policies influencing the adoption of farming practices linked to the transition to CSA?
  • Thinking on the criteria set out in those policies (regional, national and European), what are the main barriers/lock-ins to the transition to CSA? What are the main incentives?

AEIDL will use the reports from UCs for the identification of key policies at UCs level and to capture the common elements and differences between UC regions. The results will be shared with UC leads before they organise the second UCs co-creation workshops and presented, discussed and validated in a first online workshop with the EU multi-actor working group that will take place early 2024. A co-creation process will be developed on this workshop on how the results can be extrapolated to the European level and what would be the immediate policy actions.

Author: Blanca Casares (AEIDL)
